The Princess Amore and Prince Sombra were the rulers of the Chrystal Empire before Candace and Shining Armor were even born. They conceived a child and named her Royal Heart. She loved her parents and everyone in the kingdom, but she got scared when her mother was bit by a dark magic bug, making her turn into a monster and, in turn, making her father turn into a wicked stallion. She ran away to find help from Celestia and Luna and before she could make it to the station, she heard loud screaming and saw half the citizens turn into mean looking creatures like her mother and leave before the whole kingdom disappeared. She was heart broken as she still was able to tell the other princesses, but they told her to leave the matter alone. She had no family, no home, and no one who wanted her, so she wandered into a nicely wooded forest and stayed there for many years, begging softly for her family to be whole once more…
If you want to hear about what happened with the bug in Sombra’s point of view, listen to this song:…