Out of the 3 tests, I like #1 the best still - [link] - in style.
(Too lazy to add title&date to header - or to clean the coloring/line-art up still)
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Me and my cousin would always say “NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL” whenever we’re derpin’ in Assassin’s Creed. Hilarious methods of being sneaky, and somehow most of them worked out!
-Jumping into everyone, running out of haystacks in front of guards, etc.-
= = = = = = = = = =
Another test-run, this time seeing what would happen if I tried a bit of shading, also including my OC Shooting Star too. I also kept the original size because I ended up making the background scenes too small to notice at a glance.
I won’t be starting the series for a long while ‘though due to solo’ing the RPG project for the time-being, but if I ever get the mood I’ll try and throw up an occasional idea.