The orchards of Sweet Apple Acres had been infected by a strange crop disease, and weren’t producing as many apples as normal. Fearing that She and her family would go hungry, Applejack decided to secretly start manufacturing drugs, as a temporary job. Unbeknownst to Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom, AJ set up a lab hidden off of Apple property and sold her product to distributors who sold it to dealers, who sold it to customers. After approximately 18 months of dealing on the black market, things started to improve on the farm, with the Orchirds having been rid of their crop disease. Applejack wasted no time in dismantling her lab and sold off all equipment and left over product, and eliminated any evidence of her illicit activities. Thinking, she was in the clear, Applejack resumed life as normal, until one night, a loud knock was heard. Applejack answered the door, and was greeted by two stallions in suits. They were agents from Equestria’s ADEM (Anti-Drug-Enforcement-Ministry.) and they were tipped off by a former distributor, and within seconds, cuffed and hauled AJ away. At her Arrainment, Applejack was charged with the following; Manufacturing illicit narcotics, Sale of Illicit narcotics, Drug Trafficking, and possession with intent to distribute.
Upon hearing the news of AJ’s arrest, The apple Family and the rest of mane 6 quickly pooled in money so that AJ could afford a Good Defense Attorney, and after several days of battling it out in court, Applejack was found not guilty on Manufacturing, Possession, and Trafficking, but was however found guilty on selling illicit drugs. Applejack was sentence was reduced from a maximum of 15 years, to just 30 months of imprisonment, and was eligible for early release after serving 18 months.