
Another MLP fusion comic, now with four new ponies of choice!!  
The following comic was made by the amazing CactusCowboyDan. so be sure to go check out his content!!
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safe2260085 artist:cactuscowboydan129 oc998468 oc:king calm merriment130 oc:tommy the human508 alicorn429446 human232302 comic:fusing the fusions227 comic:the bastion of canterlot36 alicorn oc36165 blushing288187 book44630 bucking1122 canterlot7380 canterlot castle2996 clothes669617 colored26251 comic132649 commissioner:bigonionbean2547 dat butt707 dat face expression tho4 dialogue99797 dock75901 flying55622 funny face442 fusion7417 fusion:king calm merriment130 gymnasium133 horse noises647 human oc841 in pain136 leaves3670 male514612 meme95593 neigh225 potion3039 stallion183244 suffering113 sweat43146 sweating profusely585 tail105695 tail pull2747 thicc ass1636 thorns252 twig166 uncle and nephew78 whinny66 writer:bigonionbean2224


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