Crystal Glass: Zebra-unicorn hybrid. Role as one of the groups sniper’s, uses her own custom gun (“Femme Fatal”, a customised LeMat Revolver in it’s carbine variant , modified with a second barrel for a shotgun shell, long range scope, and a white paintjob with Ivory grips). Pretty cynical and sarcastic.
Nicknamed “Crystal Eye”, after an incident with a raider gang leader breaking into her home and stealing a treasured Crystal that belong to her family for generations. After she tried to fight him to get it back, but was overpowered, the raider leader shot her in the stomach, and then shoved the crystal into her good eyes, leaving her blinded in that eye, and forcing her to learn how to use her other eye. Still wants to get revenge for what he done to her.
Gem Sparks: Earth pony. Works as Recon. Very headstrong, often acts before she thinks. Only member of the Refugee team that is in a relationship, in love with another mare, a reformed Raider. Has the nickname “Raider-Bait” because of this. Get’s vary annoyed when other call her that, but only likes it when her GF does it.
Sand Leaf: Unicorn, former raider, and the girlfriend of Gem. Although she was a raider, she never went to the extremes of the other raiders, such as torturing or random killings. Instead, she was more of a scavenger and a thief, only looking out for herself.
She and Gem met when Sand tried to rob her, but was cut short, after they were attacked by a horde of mutated animals, and after they proved to be too much, they retreated, and took shelter in an old cabin, and hid in it’s basement. Knowing that trying to kill Gem would be a bad idea, they instead tried to workup a truce, until the animals were gone.