“Hey!” Magma yelled to the grey diamond dog, “You want a piece of us?”
“Yeah, where do you get off mocking us, huh? The other dragon said.
“Me?” the grey diamond dog began, “Im the foreman of this mining operation, and it looks like Ive got to do my job and get you guys back to work.”
“Yeah?” Magma yelled back, “Do you think you can take us all o-”, Magma taunt was suddenly cut short as before he realized it, the foreman had ran up to the pair of them and kicked Magma right in the gut causing him to fly across the room and hit a wall, knocking the wind out of him. Yet in that same motion, hed gotten the other dragon in a hold and restrained him with the glowing chains.
Magma looked up in horror, as the dragon caught in his chains when limp and fell to the ground, as if they had drained the energy right out of him.
The other older dragons yelled out to the foreman, Hey bub! Why dont you pick on some dragons your own size. The rest of the dog guards had been subdued so the odds shouldve been in the dragons favor. Four older dragons and five younger dragons against one diamond dog should be pretty good odds, yet the foreman, didnt have any kind of worry on his face, as if he felt he was still in complete control.
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