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Viewing last 25 versions of post by Marker in topic [Userscript] Derpibooru Image Importer

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"[**Image Importer*":*](https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "[Violentmonkey":](https://violentmonkey.github.io/) or compatible userscript manager.
Click here to install from Github":](https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

Image Import
- Go to the "[upload page":](/images/new
- Paste in link in the fetch field. (e.g. @`https://derpibooru.org/images/0@`)
- Click on "Import" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.


Tag Import":](/forums/meta/topics/userscript-derpibooru-image-importer?post_id=993#post_993
- Open image tag editor
- Paste in link in the fetch field.
- Click on "Import tag" to merge fetched tags with existing ones.




Add import message to description_* - Off by default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:

> `
"\[Imported from Derpibooru\]":https://derpibooru.org/images/\[image id\]==]@[/bq]


Link correction_* - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

> `\>\>1234==]@
> `\>\>1234p==]@
> `

> `
> `
> `


Use origin as source_* - Off by default. Use original site as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot:
Quick uplo

Reason: add new screenshot
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

Image Import
- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.

"Tag Import":/forums/meta/topics/userscript-derpibooru-image-importer?post_id=993#post_993
- Open image tag editor
- Paste in link in the fetch field.
- Click on "Import tag" to merge fetched tags with existing ones.


_Add import message to description_ - Off by default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq]@[=="[Imported from Derpibooru]":https://derpibooru.org/images/[image id]==]@[/bq]

_Link correction_ - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

_Use origin as source_ - Off by default. Use original site as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot:

No reason given
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.

- Open image tag editor
- Paste in link in the fetch field.
- Click on
"Import tag" to merge fetched tags with existing ones.


_Add import message to description_ - Off by default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq]@[=="[Imported from Derpibooru]":https://derpibooru.org/images/[image id]==]@[/bq]

_Link correction_ - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

_Use origin as source_ - Off by default. Use original site as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot:

No reason given
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.


_Add import message to description_ - Off by default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq]@[=="[Imported from Derpibooru]":https://derpibooru.org/images/[image id]==]@[/bq]

_Link correction_ - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

_Use Deorpigin as source_ - Off by default. Use Derpibooruiginal site as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot:

No reason given
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in Derpibooru link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import from Derpi" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.


_Add import message to description_ - Off by default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq]@[=="[Imported from Derpibooru]":https://derpibooru.org/images/[image id]==]@[/bq]

_Link correction_ - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

_Use Derpi as source_ - Off by default. Use Derpibooru as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot:

No reason given
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in Derpibooru link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import from Derpi" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.


_Add import message to description_ - EnaOff blingy default. This will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq]@[=="[Imported from Derpibooru]":https://derpibooru.org/images/[image id]==]@[/bq]

_Link correction_ - Turned on by default. The script will try to rewrite on-site links and embeds like

Derpi as source_ - Off by default. Use Derpibooru as source link if the imported image lacks one.

Setting screenshot

Reason: Script update 1.2.0
Edited by Marker
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an April Fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"*Image Importer*":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer

Userscript for importing images and associated tags, source, descriptions from the upload page.

Requires "Violentmonkey":https://violentmonkey.github.io/ or compatible userscript manager.
"Click here to install from Github":https://github.com/marktaiwan/Philomena-Importer/raw/master/image-importer.user.js

- Go to the "upload page":/images/new
- Paste in Derpibooru link in the fetch field. (e.g. @https://derpibooru.org/images/0@)
- Click on "Import from Derpi" and wait until it's downloaded.
- Review and edit the tags, description as needed.
- Upload.

_Add import message to description_ - Enabling this will prefix the image description with a link to the original derpibooru post:
[bq][Imported from

No reason given
Edited by Marker